Pink genuine leather handbag from ukrainian designer Katerina Fox. This model is designed for women who appreciate the sleek design combined with functionality and comfort. High-quality and reliable hardware ensure long service bags. Inside the bag are three spacious compartments, one with zip, two patch pockets and one zippered pocket closes with a zipper. The bottom of the bag protected by metal feet.
Delivery: In most cases our goods are shipped by FedEx or Ups Express. On rare occasions the goods might be shipped by Ukrposhta. The clients should check in advance an estimate of the amount of customs duty and value added tax
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Brand: Katerina Fox
ID: KF-4364
Manufacturer: Ukraine
Color: fuchsia
Material: genuine leather
Hardware color: silver
Lining: microfiber
Parameters : length 22cm, height 17,5cm, width 10,5cm, strap length 115cm
? Please note that real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display.
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With best wishes, Katerina Fox
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